Artistic Journey

I was born and raised in sunlit Uzbekistan, a fascinating country rich with cultural vibrancy and a bright, passionate soul. My artistic journey commenced at a young age, inspired by the natural world and its endless array of colours and forms.
Growing up, I was continuously enraptured by my environment; its splendid beauty seemed to echo within my very being, demanding to be expressed on canvas. design is obvious. Great design is transparent.
To me, the beauty seen and felt needs to be splashed out onto a canvas – otherwise, it begins to overwhelm me.
Uzbek Still Life with a Golden Jar, 2017
Acrylic and gold leaf on canvas, 50 x 70 cm
My passion for painting seeped into all aspects of my life. All of my university lecture notes were filled with sketches – candid illustrations of our shared student life – to the point where they had all been taken as souvenirs by my university friends. This unquenchable desire to chronicle my surroundings and experiences laid the foundation of my artistic evolution.
My passion for painting seeped into all aspects of my life.

All of my university lecture notes were filled with sketches – candid illustrations of our shared student life – to the point where they had all been taken as souvenirs by my university friends.

This unquenchable desire to chronicle my surroundings and experiences laid the foundation of my artistic evolution.
Years later, fate brought me to Cyprus. Under the tutelage of the brilliant artist Miho Ebanoidze, my artistic voice began to find its distinct rhythm.
Working en plein air, I revelled in the act of capturing the vibrant energy of life under the Mediterranean sun, exploring the intricate interplay of light and shadow, and finding beauty in everyday scenes.
Over several years, I have come a long way: my first group and solo exhibitions, my first personal online store, my first local and global sales. Each new milestone was an exhilarating blend of trepidation and anticipation. It was a time of self-discovery and introspection as I explored various styles, weathered creative setbacks, and celebrated fortunate artistic revelations.
It was during this period that I truly understood the central role art has played in my life – it is my essence, my passion, my language, and the pathway to my personal and professional growth.
Upon moving to Ireland, my artistic expression underwent a significant evolution. Drawn by the ethereal beauty of the Emerald isle landscapes, I began to unravel the enigmatic language of abstract expressionism.

The transition was as much an emotional journey as it was an artistic one. Each canvas I approach in this new style is an intimate conversation, a dialogue without words, invoking not just a visual appeal but an emotional response. It is an opportunity to explore a new facet of this world and myself, a journey I look forward to every day.

It is an ongoing process of discovery, a manifestation of love, joy, and a celebration of the human spirit. Today, as I continue to evolve and grow, art remains my compass, guiding me through life's complexities and joys.